新娘(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰)曾是暗杀组织中的一名成员,也是组织首脑比尔(大卫·卡拉丁 David Carradine 饰)的情人,金盆洗手后的她结识了一个单纯的小伙子并准备忘掉过去与之结婚。没想到,婚礼当天比尔突然出现,并带领手下大开杀戒,霎时间,圣洁的教堂变成人间地狱。新娘头部中弹昏迷4年,醒来后脑中首先想起的便是昏迷眼前的几张残酷的面孔,“黑曼巴”、“蝮蛇”、“百步蛇”、“加州山蛇”和比尔,他们是曾经的同僚和爱人,是如今的敌人。满腔怒火的新娘要一一的找到她们,不问是非对错,赶尽杀绝。 幕后制作 从内容来看,本片是将《杀死比尔》卷一和卷二串联在一起,时长3个小时50分钟。但并无传言所说的删减片段和内容增加。但青叶屋大战全彩版本以及苏菲被砍去另一只手等画面,在日本二区DVD中已包含。此版在配乐和音效方面做了改动,使整个复杂离奇的故事更加的连贯和生动,值得广大影迷收藏! 制作发行 上映时间美国USA 2012年5月21日制作公司米拉麦克斯影业公司 [美国]编辑参考资料A Band Apart [美国]Super Cool ManChu [美国]发行公司米拉麦克斯影业公司 [美国] (2004) (USA) (theatrical)Alliance Atlantis Communications (2004) (Canada) (theatrical)Ascot Elite Entertainment Group [瑞士] (2004) (Switzerland) (theatrical)Bioscop [捷克] (2004) (Czech Republic) (theatrical)Buena Vista International Italia [意大利] (2004) (Italy) (theatrical)博伟国际 [阿根廷] (2004) (Argentina) (theatrical)Buena Vista International (Germany) GmbH [德国] (2004) (Germany) (theatrical)Buena Vista International UK [英国] (2004) (UK) (theatrical)Columbia TriStar Films AB [瑞典] (2004) (Sweden) (theatrical)GAGA Communications [日本] (2004) (Japan) (theatrical)Golden Village [新加坡] (2004) (Singapore) (theatrical)Humax Pictures Inc. [日本] (2004) (Japan) (theatrical)泛亚影业有限公司 [中国香港] (2004) (Hong Kong) (theatrical)腾达国际娱乐股份有限公司 [中国台湾] (2004) (Taiwan) (theatrical)RCV Film Distribution (2004) (Belgium) (theatrical)RCV Film Distribution (2004) (Luxembourg) (theatrical)RCV Film Distribution [荷兰] (2004) (Netherlands) (theatrical)TFM Distribution [法国] (2004) (France) (theatrical)Alliance Atlantis Home Video [加拿大] (2004) (Canada) (DVD)Buena Vista Home Entertainment [英国] (2008) (UK) (DVD) (Blu-ray)Gativideo [阿根廷] (2004) (Argentina) (DVD)/(2004) (Argentina) (VHS)Hollydan Works (2007-2008) (Yugoslavia) (DVD)Imagem Filmes [巴西] (2005) (Brazil) (DVD)/(2005) (Brazil) (VHS)Miramax Home Entertainment [美国] (2004) (USA) (DVD) (VHS)/(2008) (USA) (DVD) (Blu-ray)Nordisk Film [瑞典] (2004) (Sweden) (DVD)/(2009) (Sweden) (DVD) (Blu-ray)/(2005) (Sweden) (DVD) (UMD)RCV Home Entertainment (2004) (Netherlands) (DVD) (VHS)/(2009) (Netherlands) (DVD) (Blu-ray)RTL Entertainment (2006) (Netherlands) (TV) (broadcast premiere) (RTL5)Starz! Network [美国] (2004) (USA) (TV)特技制作公司K.N.B. Effects Group [美国] (special makeup effects)先涛数码特技有限公司 [中国香港] (visual effects)Technicolor Digital Intermediates [美国] (opticals)Pacific Title [美国] (opticals)其他公司A Band Apart [美国] soundtrack published byAtlantic Cine Equipment [美国]Behind the Scenes Freight [美国] shipping byChapman and Leonard Studio Equipment cranes and dolliesDirect Tools & Fasteners expendablesDsire Design official website designMaverick Records [美国] soundtrack published byPacific Title [美国] titles and opticalsPanavision, Dallas [美国] camera equipmentRPM Group promotion and marketingReel Security production securityRich King Casting [美国] extras castingSessions Payroll Management Inc. [美国] extras payroll servicesSoundelux [美国] post-production sound servicesTechnicolor Digital Intermediates [美国] digital intermediateTodd-AO Studios (West) [美国] sound editingWMG Soundtracks [美国] soundtrack published by